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 Was Read to Yair 6th

" Who is sitting at my window ? " Is a book for children ages kindergarten - preschool , kindergarten classes a ` - b ` . The story is told from the perspective of a child, looking in the window of his house and discovers that there are nesting birds . The child follows the hatching stage to being older , beads and animals and spectacular images taken by the author over a period combined with information about the type of bird , the source of its name , its habits and language appropriate for all children. At the end of the story there is more information to parents about the pigeon . "

What a good book ! This book is magnificent and spectacular images accompanying cover extremely impressive . The book allows the child to follow the growth process of the pigeon , from the time of hatching to Bbbgroth . Delivered story in rhyme from the perspective of the child narrator . Child accompany the birds hatch to be older and throws what he sees implications for his own life .

When Yair sees the book his eyes lit up and he hurried to turn the pages and look at the photos reins. Yair loves nature and animals and enjoyed hearing about the growth process of the different animals . Recently I read a story about the butterfly's metamorphosis process and this book has completed another stage of the life cycle of nature.

The photos in the book are amazing and perpetuate different moments of the growth stages of birds. It seems that soon the birds will jump straight to our home page . Yair loved the book and was pleased to find eggs in the window sill and watch the process himself. Yair was impressed with the chirping sound pigeon intermittent phone and was glad he was able to identify birds by their voices . He was glad that the child did not destroy the nest and gave the babies grow quietly and safely. This is a great book to young birder ! Yair and I loved the book and recommend it strongly !

The bottom line: pigeon , rings and everything in between !"

From: Blog Gali1 גלי1והיחידה

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